Saturday 6 September 2014

Importance of Production

One the problems faced by our society is that ours is an increasingly consuming society, at the same time not enough encouragement is given in the sphere of production. We produce less, consume more. And we have globalisation, which means that even if we don't produce, we can consume by banking on multinational producers. In the present scenario, we are too afraid to take risks- we want our children to choose a safe future, by safe I mean they get guaranteed income for a long time, and they do not have to invest either money or time, both of which are essential in production. A good portion of Indian economy consists of  providing services to people: in areas like Information Technology and enabled services, telecommunications, Financial Services(as in banks), Community Services, Hotels and Restaurants, etc. And nowadays people crave for government jobs. All these sectors doesn't involve production, which forms the foundation of a successful economy. With a rapidly increasing population, we need to focus on increasing our production. But our society is groomed from an early level in such a way that people prefer jobs that involve minimum production and maximum wages. One defect of such a system is that it negatively impacts our infrastructure. Everything we produce is of sub-standard quality. Indian goods rank low in international market. We are too compromising in our attitude. The best we have is only valued within the sub-continent. The value of Indian Rupee is ever-falling, when the best brains of our country are either abroad or involved in some sort of job in service sector; there is only a little scope for productive activity in our country. But the mixed socialistic and capitalistic economy of our country is not to blame for this; actually it is one positive thing for us. The problem lies in our way of providing education. We need to reconstruct our education system. The quality of education provided, the variety of courses provided, the organisations (including governmental) entrusted with the duty of providing education, the functioning of bureaucracy involved, researches in this field- all these need to be more organised and rethought about. We need to remove the play of politics in this field, and authorize geniuses at the top. A revolution in the field of education will change every sphere of activity in a country. With such a huge human resource, India need to channelize its man power and use our brains for our own benefit.

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