Thursday 7 November 2013

a dilemma

Fear is one of the strongest emotions of people. Everybody has fear, I guess. Handling fear is one of the key skills in attaining success. So what is fear? It is generally explained an unpleasant emotion which is caused when one is threatened with danger, harm or pain. But this is a very straight-foreward and plain explanation. Emotions in humans often involves many dimensions because of the depth of human mind. The emotions often criss-cross each other, and sometimes the same experience can arouse conflicting emotions like joy and sorrow at the same time. Aristotle exhorted that an ideal tragedy must aim at generating catharsis, i.e. it must cleanse the mind of the spectator by arousing in him the emotions of pity and fear and thereby causing a purgation by the proper mixing of these emotions. This indicates that fear is a defining factor in the development of one's personality. As babies, we don't know what to fear. As children, we are taught what to fear by society and experiences. But we instinctively fear certain things like sudden loud noise, darkness, etc. As children grow into men, the object of their fear may change from one thing to another. 
People fear everything: death, cockroaches, insects, closed spaces, darkness, light, strangers, women, men,  failure, success, praise, criticism, fame, separation and what not. 

This fear takes many forms, sometimes very subtle. Fear of losing something by an action you do- for example, you like something very much, but you restrain from doing it because of moral pressure. Some of your dear ones want you to behave in a certain way. You behave like they say because you don't want to lose their love and want to stay with them. You once believed in their faith, but now it is no longer strong. Now a tug of war begins- between your likes and your loyalty to them. I believe you should have courage to put forward your views without hurting them. This is also a question of fear. You have the fear of losing their warmth. But other things have to be considered in this case too. You feel the pressure not because they coerce their views upon you, but you love them so much, and its you who actually force yourself, and put you in a dilemma. Clarity of thought is very important in such situations, which is actually very difficult once you enter into such a position. Such a position can be morally very testing and tiring, believe me. You have to compromise between two parts of yourself before it tears you apart.

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