Saturday, 24 May 2014

primitive justice

primitive justice in humans

The general trend of life on earth is the survival of the fittest, through competition amongst living beings. I began to ponder about this when i happened to see a programme in the National Geographic Channel. It showed two  colts(young ones of a crane) inside a crane's nest. One colt was pecking and hitting the other. The other one must have been tired and exhausted, it remained at the receiving end and didn't counter-strike.Some time later, the parent crane came with food in its beak.The aggressive chick flapped its wings, got the attention of his parent and had all the food alone. The parent did nothing. It gave all the food to this chick and flew away. This is justice- the primitive justice, the justice of nature. We think we deserve a better justice than that, and so we make our own justice, and term it universal justice. But in fact, primitive justice frequently emerges through the facade of human justice, in human societies. It is very plain and straightforeward, but it strikes us cruel and harsh. The one who is more powerful wins, or in other words, the one who is better THAN THE OTHER is preferred. Probably, the other is doomed or forced to change its course. 
                 Ironically, it can be said that primitive justice, in its most savage form, is present in human communities. In no other living community is the one with lesser power so ruthlessly exploited or so brutishly executed or so violently humiliated or so abjectly crushed as in human community.  (Of course, there is an opposite side too.)  All those police and military atrocities against the weak and defenseless are also included in the examples of the serving of primitive justice. Those who believe in any other justice are in a make-believe world created by humanity. The structure that holds the humane justice stands only when all is well and smooth. When catastrophe arrives, this make-believe world falls apart. This phenomenon was visible in the Europe just after the Second World War.
                  Such is the world we live in; the losers have no consolation. That means, if you are a living being, it is your objective to acquire power,  to discover ways to be on top so that you are not crushed in the weight of the world. There are no excuses for being weak.

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